Canadian Antimicrobial
Innovation Coalition
The Canadian Antimicrobial Innovation Coalition (CAIC) is a member-based non-profit organization helping to protect Canada’s population from the rise in antimicrobial resistance. We are committed to engaging Canada’s public, health sector and governments on strategies to combat AMR through biomedical innovation.
Why does Canada need antimicrobial innovation?
See our new animated video!
What We Do

CAIC’s mandate is to protect the Canadian population from the rise in AMR, by positioning Canada to be a leader in AMR research and product development, economic growth, and investment.

CAIC aims to facilitate necessary dialogue and collaboration between relevant partners such as regulators, public policymakers, researchers, and manufacturers. Through its influential membership, CAIC seeks to advocate for certain policy initiatives and advise government officials on appropriate research mechanisms, regulatory incentives aimed at strengthening efforts to combat AMR in Canada, and methods to overcome market barriers.

CAIC will also contribute to the Pan-Canadian Framework for Action for Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Use, with specific focus on the Research and Innovation pillar in an advisory capacity.